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Broiled To Perfection

I don’t really cook a lot of steak at home. Or at least, I didn’t use to. I was always worried that I would over cook it and waste money. I think this comes from growing up poor. We did not have the extra money to waste food. So if it was over cooked, we ate it anyway.

As my cooking skill increased, I was still not all that comfortable cooking steak. It’s weird, I know! That being said, I am certainly not one to shy away from a challenge!

The marinade for this recipe has a wonderful flavor. It isn’t quite asian, but it is pretty close.

For the steaks, I found sirloin tips on sale, so that is what I used. They were nice and thick, with great marbling.

I did pound the steaks thin, but misread the recipe and did not cut them into strips. I think this actually worked better. I think the steak may have been a little more on the well done side had they been cut.

As they were, they were a perfect medium rare after the broiling was complete. So if that is how you like your steak, then by all means - don’t cut it! If you like your steak a little more on the done side, cut it.

I also liked the way I was able to serve them without being cut. It made for a pretty plate.

Broiling the peppers and tomatoes before placing the steaks on helps make sure that they are cooked through.

I think if I were to make the recipe again I would broil the peppers alone. The peppers were the perfect blend of cooked, while still being a little crunchy.

The tomatoes were very soft after the broiling was complete. I would add the tomatoes when I added the steaks. I believe this would help them stay a little closer to al dente.

Overall, we really enjoyed this recipe. The steaks were delicious, perfectly cooked, and looked lovely!

Hawaiian Soy Steak

2 Pounds Sirloin Steak

2 Tablespoons Ground Ginger

1/3 Cup Soy Sauce

2/3 Cup Water

3 Tablespoons Sugar

1 Clove Garlic, Crushed

6 Tomatoes

3 Green Peppers

Pound meat, score by slashing against the grain and cut into thin strips 1/2 inch thick. Mix ginger, soy sauce, water, sugar and garlic in a small bowl. Add steak strips, toss to coat. Chill for 1 hour. Place sliced tomatoes and peppers in a broiler pan. Broil 5 minutes. Place meat on top of tomatoes and peppers. Cook 4 inches from the heat source for about 5 minutes, turning to cook evenly.

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