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Beautiful Red Color

It is amazing to be how a purple fruit turns so red while cooking.

I swear I did not add food coloring, this is just a natural process.

I made the mistake of going to Costco hungry. I saw the plum and bought them. But, I am the only person that eats plums in my house. I had a plethora of plums and needed something to do with them. There are only so many plums one person can eat!

Strangely, my husband won’t eat a plum, but he will eat plum jam. I know, he is strange.

The jam is super easy to make, really only the three ingredients.

The skins from the plums magically turn from purple to red while boiling. I mashed up the fruit with a potato masher, but I like larger chunks of fruit in my jam.

Mashing the fruit is very simple to do once they are cooked. They become super soft.

As with any jam, it gets thicker the longer you cook the sugar. So adjust accordingly. It will thicken once it cools, so don’t cook it until it is the consistency you want. Cook it until it is almost the consistency you want.

With this recipe I preserved seven small jars of jam. That should keep up for a while!


1 Quart Damson Plums

1 Cup Water


Add water to plums and cook until skins are tender. Remove stones. Measure fruit and add 2/3 cup sugar for each cup plums. Cook until thick. Color should be bright red. Pour into clean hot jars. Seal.

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