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Bacon Makes Everything Better!

I like cornbread. But cornbread with bacon – even better.

The recipe did have a little bit of a baking powder flavor. I might decrease the amount by ½ teaspoon should I make this again.

The bacon adds great flavor!

Frying it on both sides gives it a nice crust that is a little buttery.

I cooked this in a cast iron skillet. I really think this is the best way to go with this dish. Something about cast iron make cornbread better!

Give it a try – you won’t be sorry!


6 Slices Bacon, Diced

½ Cup Sifted All Purpose Flour

2 Teaspoons Baking Powder

1 Tablespoon Sugar

¾ Teaspoon Salt

1 Cup Cornmeal

1 Egg

1 Cup, less 2 Tablespoons, Milk

2 Tablespoons Bacon Drippings

Place diced bacon in a fry pan, fry until bacon begins to brown, stirring frequently. Pour off excess fat. While bacon is frying, mix together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add cornmeal. Beat egg with a fork and add with milk. Pour into dry ingredients and beat until just blended. Quickly add bacon drippings. Distribute bacon pieces evenly over the bottom of the fry pan. Pour in batter. Cover and bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes. Invert, turning out cornbread onto cookie sheet. Grease fry pan again then slide cornbread back into the pan to brown the other side. Bake an additional 10 minutes.

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