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Another Estate Sale - Another Great Find!

I use to find sales in my area. This is a great website. You can search by zip code, so you know exactly how far away the sales are. Generally there are at least three sales every weekend within 20 miles of where I live.

As a Mid-Century lover, I am always excited to find a sale that lists Mid-Century as a feature of the sale.

This sale was a private family run sale. The mother had passed away and her home was virtually untouched since the late sixties. It was a Mid-Century lovers dream!

I got a lot of great things, but this kitchen cabinet was the best!

After a lovely conversation with the daughter of the deceased homeowner I learned that this cabinet was part of the original cabinets from the home. I am using the cabinet in my kitchen to keep pot holders, pot lids, and some other random things. The main use is a counter for my cats to eat on.

The top of the cabinet is coated metal. This makes it super easy to clean! My one cat is a very messy eater!

The handles were in rough shape with a little rust and some dirt. Dirt is no big deal, for the rust I used a paint stripper, q-tips, and a soft bristled brush. I am always amazed at how well paint stripper works to get small rusts stains off. The handles are original to the cabinet, so I really wanted to save them!

The cabinet also has the original metal brand tag. Unfortunately it had been painted over! Out cam my q-tips and stripper again. I was successful in getting the paint off the sign without removing any of the paint around it!

I have yet to do the research on the cabinet, but I am excited to see the providence of it!

There are still a few things I would like to do with the cabinet – paint the base board it one – but it is already in use. I am loving it!

Thank you so much to the owner and her daughter for preserving this piece of history!

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Jun 25, 2021

Ugh!! I made a comment on this post the day you put it up, but I apparently I’m still figuring out how to do this! No idea what I said, except I love it!!

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