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Amazing Potatoes

I used my mandolin to cut the potatoes, so all the potato pieces were exactly the same width. I think this was super important as it enabled the dish to cook evenly.

The flour blends well with the milk and butter to create a nice and creamy sauce for the potatoes. Sprinkling each layer with salt and pepper also ensures that the potatoes are well seasoned.

I must say the potatoes were amazing! I really wanted to keep eating them! They take a little time, but it is absolutely worth it!


6 Medium Potatoes

Salt and Pepper to Taste

2 Tablespoons Flour

4 Tablespoons Butter


Pare raw potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Place in a baking dish a layer of the potatoes to equal 1 inch deep. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with flour after each layer of potatoes. Add butter in bits over top. Repeat until all potatoes are used. Add milk until it can been seen between slices of potato, cover with foil and bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 and ½ hours. Remove foil during the last 15 minutes to brown the top.

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