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A Lovely Dinner!

Butterflied Chicken Breasts with bacon stuffed inside – yes please! Top is with butter – Absolutely!

I doubled this recipe, since there are three of us, but it was super easy to make. I made sure to buy super thick chicken breasts which made butterflying them easy. I also cut them up while there were still just a bit frozen. Cutting meat while it is partially frozen gives you a lot more control of your cuts. Chicken breasts can be slippery, slipping and cutting yourself is never ideal!

Once butterflied, you make a slice down the length of each side of the breast, that’s where the bacon goes. It slides perfectly into the slice.

The recipe wasn’t very clear, so I cooked the breasts open. I was worried that after an hour in the oven that they would come out dry. Thankfully, as the butter melts, it adds that moisture to the chicken breasts. I think the same goes for the bacon, as it cooks and the fat renders, it adds the moisture to the chicken.

I did baste the breasts three times during the cook. The butter spread melts beautifully and give you more than enough liquid for basting.

I served the chicken with rice pilaf and steamed broccoli, which were perfect sides for this dish. .


2 Chicken Breasts, Split

4 Strips Bacon

1/3 Cup Butter

2 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce

2 Tablespoons Chopped Chives

¼ Cup White Wine

Split chicken breasts. Cut 2 slashes across each half of chicken breast. Place ½ strip of raw bacon into each slash. Cream butter. Beat in Worcestershire sauce, chopped chives and white wine. Spread mixture over chicken breasts. Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour. Brush chicken breasts with pan drippings 4 or 5 times during cooking. Serve with pan drippings, buttered noodles and green beans.

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