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A Little Unpleasant

I guess we can add this recipe to our Weird Food Night recipes.

The meat balls have nice flavor. There is a little too much bread crumb for my taste. This makes them very filling though.

The potatoes almost cooked until tender. Almost. . .

I think I would have boiled them for a few minutes and then browned them. Maybe it is my oven, but I have a terrible time getting raw potatoes to cook in a casserole.

The sauce was interesting. I would not really call it a sauce though. It is very thick. Perhaps adding a little milk to thin it out would have been better. As it was, I found it to be a little too thick and gloopy.

So, while the dish was edible, it wasn’t all that enjoyable.

When you take everything on it’s own, the flavor isn’t bad. But all together, I just don’t think it works.


1 1/2 Pounds Hamburger

1/2 Cup Minced Onion

1 Cup Bread Crumbs

1/3 Cup Sour Cream

2 Tablespoons Chopped Parsley

1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

3 Tablespoons Fat

20 Bite Size Potatoes

1 Can Cream Of Celery Soup

1 Cup Sour Cream

1/2 Teaspoon Curry Powder

Combine bread with 1/3 cup sour cream, then add hamburger, onion, parsley, salt and pepper. Form into 1 inch balls and brown on all sides in fat. Remove to a casserole. Brown potatoes in the same skillet and place them over the meatballs. Combine soup, sour cream and curry powder. Mix thoroughly and pour over casserole. Cover and bake in a 350 degree oven for 25 minutes. Uncover and bake 12 minutes longer.

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