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A Little Thin

As the weather is starting to turn cooler, I am looking forward to serving more soups. Soup gives you such a warm feeling when it’s cold outside. Like a hug from your food.

This recipe was requested by my husband. He loves clam chowder. I have never been a huge fan - I prefer crab r lobster bisque. But, I am a good wife, so I make things he likes.

The salt pork adds a nice layer of complexity to the soup. It adds both flavor and texture.

I used canned clams. Frankly, they were a lot cheaper than buying fresh clams. I did not think a simple soup had to have fresh. I do tend to prefer fresh seafood, but I honestly don’t think it made all that much of a difference here.

I used red potatoes and left the skins on. It gave the dish a hint of color. The soup is very monotone.

Soaking the crackers in milk is an interesting way to thicken the soup. Unfortunately the soup did not thicken all that much.

I found the soup to be very thin. It was well seasoned and had good flavor. But it was more of a consommé in texture than a chowder.


1/4 Pound Salt Pork, Cubed

2 Onions, Minced

1 Quart Shucked Clams

8 Medium Potatoes, Diced

5 Cups Water

Salt and Pepper

3 Cups Milk

8 Common Crackers, Split

Cold Milk

Brown salt pork in deep kettle. Add onions and cook together for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove stomach from clams, chop hard parts and leave soft parts whole. Combine potatoes and hard parts of clams. Add to onions, cover with cold water and heat to boiling. Lower heat and simmer until potatoes are tender. Add soft parts of clams, adjust seasonings. Add milk. Heat to boiling. Soften crackers in cold milk and add to boiling soup. Heat through.

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