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A Hint Of Lemon

I am a fan of sugar cookies because of their simplicity. I do understand that some people find them boring though.

Adding the hint of lemon really helps these not be boring!

There is a nice amount of lemon juice and rind added to the basic sugar cookie dough.

With the rind you get little chunks of lemon. The juice mixes nicely throughout but is not overpowering.

My daughter picked a star cookie cutter, but you could really do any shape. I got about 24 cookies with the medium star cutter.

If you are looking to make more than 20 to 24 cookies, you will need to double the recipe. If you use a smaller cutter, you would obviously get more cookies, but may need to adjust the cooking time a bit.

The shape I cut the dough, I needed the full 7 minutes.

I chose to stay true to the recipe and sprinkle the dough with sugar before baking. You could easily ice these cookies though. The cookie is sturdy enough to hold an icing.

The end result was a delicious lemon cookie. Soft, not hard. And just sweet enough!


1/2 Cup Shortening

3/4 Cup Sugar

1 Egg

1 Tablespoon Milk

1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

2 Teaspoons Grated Lemon Rind

1 1/4 Cup Sifted Flour

1/4 Teaspoon Baking Powder

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

Mix together shortening, sugar, and egg. Stir in milk, lemon rind, and lemon juice. Sift together dry ingredients then stir into shortening mixture. Chill dough for at least 1 hour. Roll 1/16 inch thin. Cut into desired shapes. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a 425 degree oven for 5 to 7 minutes.

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