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A Different Pasta

Eggs and flour, maybe a little salt – that is how I have always made my pasta before.

The poultry seasoning was interesting, a strange addition. But it works. You get flavor in the noodles that usually isn’t there.

The dough was a bit thick, so if you were rolling it by hand it would be a bit tough.

I used my pasta rolling attachment for my Kitchen Aide. It was easy to roll once you got past the first roll. The first roll was tricky because of the stiffness of the dough.

I cut the pasta linguine width. I was serving it with the Paesano Meatballs so I wanted something hearty.

It cooked beautifully, and had great flavor!


1 ¾ Cups All Purpose Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Baking Powder

¼ Teaspoon Poultry Seasoning

2 Eggs, Beaten

Sift flour, salt, baking powder and poultry seasoning. Add beaten eggs to well in center of flour mixture. With a fork work eggs into flour. Use hands toward the end to combine completely. Knead a few times until smooth. Allow to sit for 20 minutes. With a rolling pin or pasta maker, roll dough until very thin. Cut into desired pasta shape. Pasta can be dried or used immediately.

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