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A Different Hash

My husband if a big fan of corned beef hash. I like it, but not as much as him.

This recipe was intriguing. It looks like a traditional hash, but using chicken.

The chicken makes the dish seem lighter to me.

When making hash with corned beef, I find the meat tends to get a little mushy. The chicken held up much better. It still had a thickness to it, even when diced fine.

I also liked the pepper. It added a little crunch to the hash. I do think some onion would be nice, maybe next time.

The hash did not stay together as well as the traditional corned beef. Maybe that’s because it didn’t get mushy.

I did add a touch more oil to the pan to keep it from sticking.

The hash was a great hit with the family. I served it with the Egg Frizzle.


1 Cup Chopped Cooked Chicken

1/2 Cup Diced Boiled Potatoes

1/2 Tablespoon Chopped Parsley

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

2 Tablespoons Chopped Bell Pepper

1/4 Cup Stock

2 Tablespoons Fat

Combine chicken, potatoes, parsley, salt, bell pepper, and stock. Melt fat in a skillet, spread chicken mixture evenly over the bottom and cook slowly until browned. Fold over as for omelet.

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