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A Bit Spicy Grits...

By no means are these super spicy, green chilies don’t have an over appendance of spice.

The grits were a little loose. I think 2 ½ cups of water was a bit much for the ½ cup grits. I was hoping they would firm up a bit while baking, which they did, but not enough for my taste.

They tasted great, and were enjoyed by all. I took the dish to a barbecue we had with my brother’s family and his neighbor. The neighbor had two servings – he thought they were amazing!

If I made this again I think I would decrease the water by ½ cup. Or alternatively increase the grits by ¼ cup. I think this would even out that ratio and provide a thicker grit.


½ Cup Grits

2 ½ Cups Water

4 Tablespoons Butter

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Egg, Beaten

1 ½ Cups Grated Cheddar Cheese

1 Small Onion, Chopped

4 Ounces Chopped Green Chilies

Add grits to boiling water and cook until done. Add all other ingredients while grits are hot. Stir well. Pour into a lightly buttered casserole dish. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour.

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