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Entrees - O
Recipes Are Listed Alphabetically

Orange Fried Chicken
1 Chicken, Cut Up
4 Teaspoons Grated Orange Rind
2/3 Cup Orange Juice
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Dry Mustard
1/8 Teaspoon Pepper
1/4 Teaspoon Tabasco Sauce
3/4 Cup Flour
2 Teaspoons Paprika
1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt
1/8 Teaspoon Pepper
Place chicken in a single layer in a shallow dish. Combine half the orange rind with the juice, salt, dry mustard, pepper and Tabasco. Pour mixture over chicken and let stand 3 hours. Drain, reserving marinade. Combine remaining orange rind, flour, paprika, salt, and pepper in a brown bag. Shake chicken pieces, a few at a time, in the bag until they are well coated with flour mixture. Brown the chicken in a heavy skillet. Turn occasionally to brown evenly. Add 1 tablespoon water and cover skillet tightly. Cook slowly until the chicken is tender, about 20 to 30 minutes. Turn occasionally for even browning. Uncover and continue to cook slowly to re-crisp, about 5 minutes. Place on a serving platter, keep warm. Reserve 2 tablespoons pan drippings. Measure marinade, adding water as necessary to make 1 1/2 cups. Add 2 tablespoons flour from bag and pan drippings to pan. Heat until mixture bubbles. Add marinade all at once and cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Pour over chicken and serve.

Orange Pork Chops
4 Center Cut Pork Chops
Salt and Pepper
4 Tablespoons Water
5 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoons Cornstarch
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
10 Whole Cloves
2 Teaspoons Grated Orange Rind
1/2 Cup Orange Juice
4 Orange Slices, Halved
Sprinkle both sides of the chops with salt, pepper and paprika. Arrange in melted fat in a skillet, cook until golden on both sides. Turn heat to low and add water. Cover and cook 45 minutes. In a separate saucepan combine cornstarch, sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, cinnamon, cloves, orange rind and juice. Stir until thickened and clear. Add orange slices, cover pan and remove from heat. Serve chops with a generous amount of glaze over top.